Inverted Fluorescence Microscope

Nikon Ti-U inverted Fluorescent Microscope (new model released in 2008) is semi-automated with motorized objectives, motorized Epi-Fluorescent filter turret, and motorized shutter in the path of fluorescent light. It is equipped with CFI Plan Fluor objectives (4X, 10X) and Super Plan Fluor objectives (20X, 40X). There is an option to bring in additional 1.5 times magnification on each of these objectives. It presently has 2 filter cubes (GFP, Texas Red). Imaging system has a monochrome camera and NIS-Elements Basic Research software with 4D imaging-acquisition module.

Samples to be viewed can be present on a transparent substrate (thickness up to 1mm). Images and videos can be taken in bright field as well as fluorescent modes. Stage can accmmodate probe manipulators. This is very useful to conduct electrofluidic and microfluidic experiments that involve nano and bio Fluorescent particles.



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