Campus Locations

This map shows the location of each of the University of Cincinnati's campuses. Click on any campus for a detailed map of that area and directions to get there.

Air travel information
Bus travel information
Rail travel information

Air Travel Information
The Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport is located in Northern Kentucky. As a Delta hub we are easily accessible from most cities in the United States. Take a cab to campus. The ride will normally take about 20-30 minutes depending on traffic and construction and should cost about $35. We are less than 2 hours away from a number of other regional airports including Louisville, Indianapolis, Columbus, Dayton, and Lexington. You might find airfares less expensive if you go through one of these locations but you will need a car to get you to campus.

Bus Travel Information
The Greyhound Bus Station is located about 3 miles from the main UC campus. You will need to take a cab to campus. Cabs are usually located directly out in front of the bus station. If there is a shortage they may ask you to share the cab with another passenger. The cost is approximately $6. to campus and takes about 10 minutes.

Rail Travel Information
The Cincinnati area has limited passenger rail service. Trains arrive around 4 am on Wednesday morning, Friday morning, Sunday morning from Chicago. Trains arrive around 2 am on Tuesday morning, Thursday morning, and Saturday morning from the Washington D.C. area. The trains disembark from the Union Terminal Museum Center located about 3 miles from campus. You will need to take a cab to campus but remember, you will be arriving very early! The cab ride will cost approximately $6 and take about 10 minutes.